Secure payment
Our secure payment
With SSL
Using Visa/Mastercard/Paypal
Payment by credit Visa card , Eurocard / MasterCard, JCB.
Bankovním převodem na účet:
Using Visa/Mastercard/Paypal
Payment by credit Visa card , Eurocard / MasterCard, JCB.
We accept international wired bank transfer to our account and we accept Western Union money transfer too.
The goods will be sent to you as soon as the payment reaches our account.
Bank transfer based on an advanced invoice:
Fio banka, a.s., se sídlem:
Millennium Plaza, V Celnici 10
117 21 Praha 1
No:2001463479, Bank code:2010
EURO account /Pay by Slovakia in EURO:
No.:2701463488 Bank code:2010
IBAN: CZ3720100000002701463488