Luftwaffe Search Lights and Range Finding Equipment

English text, 78pages .

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Author(s): Alan Ranger

ISBN: 9788367227179

Date: 2023-06-10

Series: Camera ON

Cat. Number: Camera ON 31

Category: News

Format : A4

Pages: 78

Get ready for the latest addition to the renowned "Camera ON" series by Authors Alan Ranger, set to release on April 30th, 2023! For the first time ever, this photo album dives deep into the fascinating world of German Luftwaffe search lights and range equipment, featuring over 120 never-before-seen photographs from the Second World War.

Witness these historic devices in action across all battlefronts, as seen through the eyes of the average German soldier.

Equipment featured in the book includes:

Flakscheinwerfergerät 60 cm

Flakscheinwerfergerät 150 cm

Flakscheinwerfergerät 200 cm

Entfernungsmesser EM 34-36 1 Meter Range finder

Binocular scissor scope

Doppelfernrohr 10x80 Flakfernrohr


These captivating images offer a raw and authentic glimpse into the lives of soldiers who lived and fought alongside these crucial tools of war, far from the staged and polished perspectives of official photographers.

Don't miss this invaluable resource for military historians and modelers alike!

Immerse yourself in the remarkable world of Luftwaffe search lights and range equipment.